Ship & Delivery

Shipping & Delivery Information

At Bizezz Portal, we provide a platform for various store owners to set up their stores and offer products for sale. Shipping and delivery terms and conditions for products purchased through our platform are determined by individual store owners. Please read the specific shipping and delivery terms provided by the store owner from whom you make a purchase.

Store Owners' Responsibilities

Shipping Providers: Each store owner on our platform may work with different shipping providers and set their own shipping policies.

Shipping Times: Shipping times may vary depending on the store owner's processing time and the chosen shipping method. Please review the estimated delivery times provided by the store owner during the checkout process.

Shipping Fees: Shipping fees are determined by individual store owners. The cost of shipping will be displayed during the checkout process, and it is the responsibility of the buyer to review and accept these costs.

Contacting Store Owners

If you have any questions or concerns about the shipping and delivery terms for a specific order, including tracking information or delivery issues, please contact the store owner directly. They will assist you in resolving any shipping-related concerns.

Returns and Refunds

Returns and refunds for products purchased through our platform are also subject to the return policies established by individual store owners. To initiate a return or request a refund, please follow the guidelines provided by the store owner in their respective policies.

Changes to Information

Bizezz Portal is not responsible for setting or modifying shipping and delivery terms or return policies for store owners on our platform. Each store owner may update their terms and conditions independently. Any changes to shipping and delivery information will be determined and communicated by the respective store owner.

If you have any general questions or concerns about our platform, please contact us at [insert contact information].

Thank you for using Bizezz Portal.


Very quick customer support, installing this application on my machine locally, within 5 minutes of creating a ticket, the developer was able to fix the issue I had within 10 minutes. EXCELLENT! Thank you very much

Mini Mart Director